human resources


Essential Factors To Consider Before Choosing A New Job

Deciding to look for a new job is a huge milestone in an employee’s life. It adds up to the possibility of growth, career development, and if lucky enough – the road to success. Its vital importance is something that we cannot decide on rashly.

The mere thought of choosing to leave your comfort zone, only to dive into a whole new world is itself, nerve-wracking. So, to help you determine if you’re picking the right company for you, we laid out a few tips and suggestions.

1. Look past the paycheck.

While a good paycheck is one of the huge reasons why we are working, there are still other factors to consider when choosing a new job. And though essentially important, it doesn’t always spell happiness. So you should somehow look past the paycheck and consider asking your employer as to what the position can contribute to your personal growth. Of course, you should focus on impressive paychecks, but do not solely target for it.

2. Do your values and principles align?

Another important thing when choosing a new company is to consider if your values and principles align with them. Though it’s hard to notice these things when you haven’t been in the company yet, you can always check the feedbacks and reviews on the company’s website or social media accounts. Also, during the interview, you could politely ask as to what the company believes in and how do they view their employees. It could also be a good point for you as they’ll realize that you are guided by a set of values and principles.

3. Are there growth opportunities for you?

One of the best parts during an interview is the questions about growth opportunities. Do the company sends its employees for seminars and workshops? Can employees learn other stuff that might be helpful for your cream of the crop? Or do they only let you stick to a single task and none other than that? After the interview, you can then evaluate if that company would let you grow professionally.

4. Do they exude passion for their craft?

Passion is probably one of the things that any person cannot hide. For an employee, doing what you really love and being rewarded in the end is the greatest fulfilment. So pay attention to your co-workers and notice if they had the same burning passion as you do. When people talk about the things they love, their eyes shine unintentionally. It is something that would probably be very obvious to not grasp. Only then you can be assured that your teamwork would work out for the best.

5. Office hours and transportation.

Before committing to a responsibility that you should meet, ask your employer first of their expectations about the flexibility of your working hours. And if you are not certain about coming into work on time, maybe you can negotiate other options as to not harm your records, as well as the company. Or better yet, find a job that’s not too far from home so you can always have a place to rest after a hard day at work.

Wherever you might be landing a job, always remember to love what you do. Give it your best shot and never hesitate. Your 100% dedication and hard work will be rewarded in the end. Just make sure to wisely choose the company that will value you as an employee and see your full potential.

Here at DBOS, we give our employees full guidance until they’re of the best in their field. We do not hesitate to trust them fully and appreciate their labour. We also encourage them to unleash their outstanding talents and work on improving it little by little. Maintaining a close relationship with our employees is also a key point for our company dynamics. In the end, we both benefit as the company and our employees grow together.

Want to be a part of our strong and supportive family? Browse our careers today!

dayshift job

Perfect Reasons Why You Should Choose A Dayshift Job

The majority of BPO companies in the Philippines observe graveyard shifts. Thus, leaving no space for a dayshift job.

Since the Philippines became one of the most competitive countries in the BPO industry, its growth dramatically rose over a limited span of time. As this industry soared, it opened a lot of opportunities for the unemployed. Despite its flight, every business sure has a flaw. For the BPO industry, it is its “night shifts”.

Contact centres usually operate at night to accommodate overseas clients with different timezones. However, the drastic change in every employees’ body clock brought a lot of health issues. Agents have no choice but to report at work when most people are in deep sleep, and their safe travel home raises concerns.

On the other hand, there are still a few BPO companies who offer dayshift jobs! And I dare say, it’s a gem on the field. Who would say no to, right?

Then let’s distinguish the benefits of a dayshift job.


Most employees prefer working in the morning like everyone else, rather than in the middle of the night. As for the food, everything else from fast food to bakeries is still open during the day. However, during at night, there were only a limited number of 24/7 stores from which you could buy. Also, personal tasks like paying bills, grocery shopping, even to the mere mall hopping is still doable.

Work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance is essential for an employee’s performance. It contributes to the well-being and mental health of each employee that might affect her/his productivity. Working on a dayshift can spare you so much time to go home when everyone else in your household is still awake. On the contrary, when assigned to the night shift, it is almost impossible to keep your family and social life intact.

Health issues

No matter how young or old an individual is, one’s health remains the most important. However, working on the night shift has serious disadvantages. While young, mild palpitations and irregular sleeping patterns are still fine. Contrastingly, during the mid-30s, your body will slowly start to betray you. You’ll be in for several serious conditions, such as diabetes, ulcers, cardiovascular disease, and more.


It is not rocket science to understand that night commute is unsafe. As the most heinous crimes happen at night, it is very much dangerous to travel, whilst, alone at the wee of hour. No matter how ready you are for possible attacks, the risks still won’t decrease.

For an employee, receiving a huge paycheck every end of the month is greatly fulfilling. Even so, there are bigger factors that aid each employee to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Particulars like a happy working environment and schedule are also of huge importance.

Now, if you’re looking for a particular company that offers dayshift jobs, guarantee weekends off, and gives significant meaning to a happy working environment, then you’ve found the right one! We here at DBOS, understand the employee’s needs, acknowledge their best, and encourages growth in or out of their comfort zones.

Check out our job openings and be a part of our growing family! Contact us for a free consultation today! 


business team meeting

Quick Tips to Hosting Better Team Meetings

Team meetings are important for catching up with your co-workers regarding your group’s weekly or monthly accomplishments and challenges. It strengthens the communication between employees and designated leaders within the workplace. Being in charge of a team meeting can be daunting to some, especially for those who are doing it for the first time. The following tips can help you get on track and start organising amazing meetings!

1. Enumerate objectives to set the tone

Before starting a meeting, list down your agenda for the whole session. You can dedicate a slide to this at the beginning of your PowerPoint presentation or write in on the board. This gives the participants an idea of what to discuss and which topics are to be prioritised. Anything outside the list of objectives can either be discussed in another meeting or if there’s time left. Having a prepared list also helps everyone stay on track in means of topic and time.

business team meeting
Discuss the agenda beforehand to inform every one of the meeting’s objectives.

Additionally, it’s better to have this agenda list crowdsourced beforehand: ask participating members in advance if they have core issues they want to share in the meeting that can be part of the objectives list. This way, you are giving them an everyone a fair chance of getting their voices heard.

2. Encourage participation

Always dedicate even just a small part of the meeting to hearing out everyone present in the room. Even quiet members can sometimes have great ideas and opinions to share. Keep a mindset of hosting meetings not just because you have something to say to everyone, but rather, making it a platform for everyone to be heard. You can also take the time to ask everyone about their weekend, share a piece of good news from their personal lives, or a short weekly update on their tasks. This can help liven up the meeting or serve as an icebreaker and help lighten up the mood.

3. Find solutions as a team

Though different tasks and challenges are delegated to each member, it’s important to also steer focus on working together to help each department lead or participating member who’s experiencing difficulty come up with action plans. Adopting this into practice further develops communication between employees and provides a fresh perspective in approaching different issues. It also builds a strong sense of camaraderie and increases the probability of having more successful interdepartmental collaborations.

business team meeting
Make every success a team effort.

4. Incorporate something new

Having weekly meetings can get monotonous especially when you keep following the same format. To spice things up, you can try adding something to break up the pattern: show a related Ted Talk, bring in snacks, ask everyone to dress the same colour or have the meeting at a different location. Introducing variety even in the smallest of ways can help make the meeting feel different every single time.


Mastering the art of leading an engaging meeting can be very tricky, but we hope that these steps will help turn your reporting into something your team members can look forward to every week.

How to Work Smarter and Quickly Avoid Burnout

As working adults, burnout is something we have felt at least once in our lives. It’s natural to get tired from constantly working hard day and night, after all, we’re only human. However, there’s a solution to help you avoid this so you don’t get sidetracked from reaching your goals. We’ve compiled a short list of tips to help you stay focused and refreshed.

1. Set clear boundaries between work and play

From the very second, you leave the office, set aside anything that’s work-related. Tomorrow’s tasks is tomorrow’s problem, and quit checking your emails outside your shift. You can choose between leaving your work phone behind or use apps like Cold Turkey or Focus Booster to help encourage you in keeping your mind off from work. The time you spend outside your job should be dedicated to your home life, other interests and self-care. My friend from Japan shared that her bosses advise her to turn down clients when they call her outside her shift. Even the mere act of answering their texts can give them the impression that her time isn’t as important as theirs.

multi tasking

2. Take things one at a time

Some people are born multitaskers, while the rest of us try in vain just to keep up with the demands of our job. There are ways to help you manage your time better, all of which you can easily adapt to your daily routine. Forcing yourself to do two different things at the same time might compromise the quality of your output and unnecessarily stress you out. Research has shown that when multitasking, your brain spends 40% more time to process switching between tasks. Additionally, a study by Stanford University discovered that even people who believe they are great at multitasking to tend to make more mistakes and took longer to complete tasks. The efficiency of multitasking is a common misconception and it’s better to focus on doing one task instead and then transition into another once it’s accomplished.


3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Outsourcing small tasks can do so much for time management. Apps like TaskRabbit allows you to hire people for specific tasks and you can always check out UpWork and Fiverr for freelancers. Not only will you save on time, you can also save on energy and materials to get things done. You can also opt for a personal virtual assistant to help you plan ahead and manage your schedule better. There are also other productivity apps like Indigo, Hound and EasilyDo that can serve as your personal assistant if you’re tight on budget.


4. Mental health is just as important as physical health

Self-care must always include checking on your psychological health. However, not everyone can afford to go to a therapist regularly which makes it harder for people to get the proper help that they need. When things get tough, you can opt for cheap and virtual alternatives such as Talkspace and BetterHelp which connects you to a licensed professional and allows you to have counselling sessions without ever leaving your home.


Staying motivated may be hard, but it’s not impossible. It just takes the right approach to help make sure you are on the right track to success.

happy business woman

The Power of a Positive Attitude

Keeping a positive outlook in life comes naturally to some, but not all. As working adults, we often overlook positivity in favour of being grounded in reality to avoid getting disappointed. When it comes to your career, however, being cheerful and optimistic can actually help you a lot. If you find yourself having trouble thinking more about the good things in life, we’ve listed some of the ways you can change your state of mind.

1. Monitor thoughts by keeping a journal

We all have bad days and go through rough patches in life–it cannot be avoided. When the times are tough, staying optimistic is often the last thing we have in mind. By keeping a journal, you can keep track of your thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas. You can then look back at what you’ve written and proceed to assess your mental state. Ever seen a Facebook status you wrote years ago pop up on your FB Memories? A lot of people cringe at their older selves for posting such stuff when they were younger, and keeping a journal is exactly like that. You can reminisce about all the good things that have happened, and remind yourself of what you’ve learned from your past mistakes and misfortunes. Some people maintain specific journals, like a “gratitude journal” to remind themselves of what to be thankful for, some people keep a dream journal and so on. Keeping a journal is also a healthy way of airing out your thoughts while still keeping your privacy.

2. Practice using affirmative language

Instead of saying “I can’t”, there are positive ways to approach tasks and situations. You can repeat the following phrases to yourself, or just keep them in mind to help motivate you:

  • “I know I can do it.”
  • “I can beat any challenge.”
  • “I’m one day closer to my goals.”
  • “If I believe it, I can achieve it.”  

Using this as a mantra helps set your mind in working towards your goals and keeps you in focus.

positive cup

3. Dedicate a few minutes to power posing

A new study has revealed that holding a power pose for as short as two minutes can help boost your confidence and performance. In a Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy, body language and non-verbal communication significantly affects and reflects our attitude and behaviour. By tweaking the way we use our body, we can project a stronger character that our brains can later adapt into. As she puts it, “fake it ‘til you make it.” Amy advises that this trick can be easily applied to real-life situations such as getting a confidence boost before a job interview or giving a speech. Power posing can raise testosterone levels by 20% and decrease cortisol levels (a hormone released by the body when under stress) by 25%.

stretch in office

4. Change the way you approach challenges

Whenever you hit a particularly difficult part of your life, or when things don’t go according to what you’ve expected, think of it as a simple detour. To quote Aaron Burr from Hamilton: An American musical, “I am the one thing in life I can control.” There are a lot of things that are beyond our control, but we can always incite changes within ourselves. Re-frame your challenges by thinking of failures as mere redirections instead of dead-ends: when one door closes, another one will open.


These are just a few ways on how you can maintain a positive attitude. When practised regularly, it will be just as easy as breathing.

Did you enjoy reading this article? You can check out this one for tips on how to spice up your work life.

happy businessman

How to Effectively Manage Your Career

There are no shortcuts or a secret formula to success, no matter how many books and talk show hosts claim to say so. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t surefire ways to manage your progress. It’s all about self-improvement, discipline, and finding the right motivation. We’ve listed some tips that can help guide you through your journey to building the perfect career.

1. Choose your career path and define your goals

What do you do best and where do you want to be in five or ten years? These are some of the questions you need to reflect on. Before you start your journey, you have to pick your destination and the route you will take to get there. Assess your talents, where your passions lie, and what you need to achieve. This way, you get a clear picture of your end goal, and it will be easier to plan ahead. For example, suppose your best skill is in cooking and your dream is to be able to run your own restaurant–from there, you can get a better idea of how to proceed in achieving that goal. In the next five years or so, maybe you can strive to upskill yourself by working alongside professionals and saving money for your capital–and along the way you can pick up some knowledge on how to run and sustain a business. Let your goal be your compass.

2. Build a strong foundation

As mentioned earlier, you can upgrade your skill set by working your way up the food chain. Start small, gather resources and build a network: this applies to any industry. Say you are an aspiring artist, immerse yourself in the community and start by creating a name for yourself. Put your work out there–whether it be online or through joining galleries, go to conventions, meet people and market yourself. The stronger your base is, the easier it will be to push yourself forward. Take Walt Disney for example, currently the biggest name in entertainment history. Disney wasn’t born a billionaire, but he was born an artist. Even at an early age, he knew the value of entertainment and art–he drew pictures for his neighbours in exchange for money, made cartoons for his school newspaper, and after going through a rough jobless phase, Disney finally went into the field of advertising where he first started earning big. Disney’s venture into advertising served as a launchpad for his career in animation and that’s how he became the entertainment powerhouse we knew today.

college degree

3. Brace yourself for challenges and changes

Life will always throw us curveballs that could leave us derailed, but the difference between successful people and those who aren’t is their ability get back up when they’re knocked down. This is always the hardest part, and sometimes it could seem like it never ends. If a job is starting to have more pitfalls than advantages, maybe it’s time to leave. Don’t be afraid of starting over, because as long as you carry on and learn from your mistakes, it still counts as a huge improvement.

4. Create your own definition of success

Success is such a relative term, that it could mean different things to different people. What is success to you? Is it monetary gain? Is it satisfaction? Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to appreciate what we already achieved. Though it’s good to have a strong drive, it’s equally important to know when to stop pushing yourself. Reward yourself for all your hard work and efforts, and learn how to thank the people that got you where you are. Once you feel like you’ve found what success means to you and finally achieved it, you can help out others reach their own.

businessman in car

It’s not wrong to dream big, but if you don’t put in the efforts to make that dream a reality, it will only stay a dream. Believe in yourself and your own capabilities, that’s what will truly launch you forward!