career management

How to Work Smarter and Quickly Avoid Burnout

As working adults, burnout is something we have felt at least once in our lives. It’s natural to get tired from constantly working hard day and night, after all, we’re only human. However, there’s a solution to help you avoid this so you don’t get sidetracked from reaching your goals. We’ve compiled a short list of tips to help you stay focused and refreshed.

1. Set clear boundaries between work and play

From the very second, you leave the office, set aside anything that’s work-related. Tomorrow’s tasks is tomorrow’s problem, and quit checking your emails outside your shift. You can choose between leaving your work phone behind or use apps like Cold Turkey or Focus Booster to help encourage you in keeping your mind off from work. The time you spend outside your job should be dedicated to your home life, other interests and self-care. My friend from Japan shared that her bosses advise her to turn down clients when they call her outside her shift. Even the mere act of answering their texts can give them the impression that her time isn’t as important as theirs.

multi tasking

2. Take things one at a time

Some people are born multitaskers, while the rest of us try in vain just to keep up with the demands of our job. There are ways to help you manage your time better, all of which you can easily adapt to your daily routine. Forcing yourself to do two different things at the same time might compromise the quality of your output and unnecessarily stress you out. Research has shown that when multitasking, your brain spends 40% more time to process switching between tasks. Additionally, a study by Stanford University discovered that even people who believe they are great at multitasking to tend to make more mistakes and took longer to complete tasks. The efficiency of multitasking is a common misconception and it’s better to focus on doing one task instead and then transition into another once it’s accomplished.


3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Outsourcing small tasks can do so much for time management. Apps like TaskRabbit allows you to hire people for specific tasks and you can always check out UpWork and Fiverr for freelancers. Not only will you save on time, you can also save on energy and materials to get things done. You can also opt for a personal virtual assistant to help you plan ahead and manage your schedule better. There are also other productivity apps like Indigo, Hound and EasilyDo that can serve as your personal assistant if you’re tight on budget.


4. Mental health is just as important as physical health

Self-care must always include checking on your psychological health. However, not everyone can afford to go to a therapist regularly which makes it harder for people to get the proper help that they need. When things get tough, you can opt for cheap and virtual alternatives such as Talkspace and BetterHelp which connects you to a licensed professional and allows you to have counselling sessions without ever leaving your home.


Staying motivated may be hard, but it’s not impossible. It just takes the right approach to help make sure you are on the right track to success.

happy businessman

How to Effectively Manage Your Career

There are no shortcuts or a secret formula to success, no matter how many books and talk show hosts claim to say so. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t surefire ways to manage your progress. It’s all about self-improvement, discipline, and finding the right motivation. We’ve listed some tips that can help guide you through your journey to building the perfect career.

1. Choose your career path and define your goals

What do you do best and where do you want to be in five or ten years? These are some of the questions you need to reflect on. Before you start your journey, you have to pick your destination and the route you will take to get there. Assess your talents, where your passions lie, and what you need to achieve. This way, you get a clear picture of your end goal, and it will be easier to plan ahead. For example, suppose your best skill is in cooking and your dream is to be able to run your own restaurant–from there, you can get a better idea of how to proceed in achieving that goal. In the next five years or so, maybe you can strive to upskill yourself by working alongside professionals and saving money for your capital–and along the way you can pick up some knowledge on how to run and sustain a business. Let your goal be your compass.

2. Build a strong foundation

As mentioned earlier, you can upgrade your skill set by working your way up the food chain. Start small, gather resources and build a network: this applies to any industry. Say you are an aspiring artist, immerse yourself in the community and start by creating a name for yourself. Put your work out there–whether it be online or through joining galleries, go to conventions, meet people and market yourself. The stronger your base is, the easier it will be to push yourself forward. Take Walt Disney for example, currently the biggest name in entertainment history. Disney wasn’t born a billionaire, but he was born an artist. Even at an early age, he knew the value of entertainment and art–he drew pictures for his neighbours in exchange for money, made cartoons for his school newspaper, and after going through a rough jobless phase, Disney finally went into the field of advertising where he first started earning big. Disney’s venture into advertising served as a launchpad for his career in animation and that’s how he became the entertainment powerhouse we knew today.

college degree

3. Brace yourself for challenges and changes

Life will always throw us curveballs that could leave us derailed, but the difference between successful people and those who aren’t is their ability get back up when they’re knocked down. This is always the hardest part, and sometimes it could seem like it never ends. If a job is starting to have more pitfalls than advantages, maybe it’s time to leave. Don’t be afraid of starting over, because as long as you carry on and learn from your mistakes, it still counts as a huge improvement.

4. Create your own definition of success

Success is such a relative term, that it could mean different things to different people. What is success to you? Is it monetary gain? Is it satisfaction? Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to appreciate what we already achieved. Though it’s good to have a strong drive, it’s equally important to know when to stop pushing yourself. Reward yourself for all your hard work and efforts, and learn how to thank the people that got you where you are. Once you feel like you’ve found what success means to you and finally achieved it, you can help out others reach their own.

businessman in car

It’s not wrong to dream big, but if you don’t put in the efforts to make that dream a reality, it will only stay a dream. Believe in yourself and your own capabilities, that’s what will truly launch you forward!